How to travel asia on a budget

 Is the call of wanderlust beckoning you forth to come to explore the world once more? As travel restrictions ease, it is becoming possible to head to destinations again and there is much to explore and experience. If you are on a budget, Asia is one of the best destinations to head to since it offers relatively lower costs and an amazing array of things to see and do. However, some proper planning is needed for this and here are some insights that can help!

                                                     Img via wellknownplaces

Select Where You Are Going To

Before settling on a destination, decide what you mainly want to do on your holiday. It can be lazing on the beach all day and partying at night, exploring ancient temples, trekking through forests or enjoying thrilling extreme sports. Once you have prioritized your list, check to see what places better suit your needs.

You will find some destinations like Thailand and Sri Lanka offer many things to do all in and around one or a few locations which make them ideal. When you have narrowed down your places to go to, check out travel and accommodation costs too and see what better fits your budget.

Consider the Season

Depending on when you travel, money can be saved too. The peak season is obviously when you will get an influx of tourists and the rates and prices will be higher; of course, the weather is at its best during this time.

The off-peak season generally coincides with seasonal monsoons when tropical nations experience more rain; keep in mind though, it is unlikely to rain the whole time (though the weather can be fickle!), while rates and other costs will be lower. A great alternative would be to consider travelling during what is known as the shoulder season in between the peak and off-peak seasons; the weather is relatively good and costs aren't too high either.

Research & Plan Your Itinerary

When travelling, you will find that you need to set aside money for entrance fees to many of the top attractions in Asia you choose to visit. With this in mind, research and find out exactly what sites you want to see and check what the costs are. Consider factors such as distances and transport costs too; sometimes it may end up being cheaper to join a tour group to certain places.

Also, look to find places to visit off the beaten path because they can offer genuine cultural experiences while being less pricey as well. Online resources such as Well Known Places are worth checking out to get an idea of diverse Asian destinations and what they have to offer. As part of your itinerary, make time to try local food; when doing so, markets, as well as street-side eateries and stalls, are ideal for sampling authentic cuisine, especially street food, that won't cost a lot.

Select Accommodation Wisely

When it comes to accommodation, there are generally plenty of choices, especially at tourist hotspots. Don't just look for the cheapest hotel or hostel, but rather spend time doing proper research. Sometimes you may find cheap rates, only to discover that the property is in fact, far from the places you want to go to; this would mean you will have to spend more money and time on travel.

While you can look to book via third party sites which offer hotel and price comparisons, don't discount checking the official sites as well; properties often have exclusive deals and book direct benefits that provide great savings. Make sure to also check guest reviews to get a better idea of the place and what it has to offer. As an alternative, you can consider home rentals as well though check the location and facilities too.


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